
How to Learn a Foreign Language Fast?

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Learning a foreign language is not an easy task, but there are a number of techniques that can help you achieve success faster.

Consider the Peculiarities of Our Memory

Learning vocabulary is the most voluminous, although not the most difficult part of the process of teaching foreign languages. We don’t think about how many words we know in our native language and how we memorize new ones. When we start learning foreign languages, it turns out that we need to learn 3000-5000 words in order to feel more or less comfortable while traveling and when communicating on everyday topics.

There is a method which will help you memorize new words more effectively. So, use a new word in a sentence immediately, then after 10 minutes, then repeat after 1 hour, every other day, then after a week. You can assume that the word learned in this way will forever remain in your vocabulary. This principle is used by many programs for memorizing foreign words.

Surround Yourself with A Foreign Language

Start with the changing of the system language of your laptop, smartphone, navigator, and other devices to the target language. If you use social networks and other online services, change the interface language. Tune the radio to a station with preferential rotation of foreign music. Make shopping lists and other to-do lists in the target language. The more often you interact with a foreign language, the easier and faster you will be able to learn it.

Consider Your Style of Information Perception

We all perceive new information in different ways: someone does not perceive the text by ear, and someone prefers to listen to the news rather than read. Consider your psychological characteristics in the process of learning foreign languages. Visuals are quicker and easier to remember new words if they are highlighted in the text in different colors. Rewriting new words into a paper vocabulary also helps you memorize them faster. Unfortunately, working with the keyboard does not have this effect. Audials should pay more attention to working with podcasts and speaking new words out loud. It’s a good idea to walk around the room as you learn new words. 

Learn New Words in Cycles

Make it a rule to learn 30 new words every day that begin with one letter, 5 of which must be verbs. Start with the first letter of the alphabet and work your way down the alphabet. When one such circle is completed, start the second and so on. Do not forget to repeat learned words using special programs or paper flash cards, otherwise you will quickly forget everything you’ve learnt.

Use Apps For Learning New Languages

Most often you don’t have access to your laptop when you have free time, while in line or driving to work. This way you will not only have an option to study from any place at any time, but also progress faster as learning languages is a hard task when you are a busy person. Nowadays, there are a lot of useful apps and programs to help you study languages right from your smartphone. According to ComboApp digital transformation agency, the e-learning market is set to surpass $275 billion value by 2022. Read user reviews and comments to consider the best software for yourself, especially if its content is not free.

Find Like-Minded People

Going to a goal with someone is always easier than alone. Find someone who is learning a foreign language for the same purpose as you. Share tips, ideas and helpful materials, support and motivate each other.