
How To Write a Good One Essay In a Foreign Language: 10 Strategies

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Ten Secrets of Writing an Essay In a Foreign Language

Around 60% of all college assignments take writing papers, and most parts of them are essays. They are assigned in several disciplines, from Sociology to History, and require from students research, concentration, and creativity. This task becomes even harder when the essay is assigned in a foreign language – for example, German or Spanish. While many students prefer to delegate this task to special writing services that can be found at essay observing websites (for example, you can look through essay pro reviews or check a particular powerwritings review), some still want to learn how to do it on their own. In this article, we will help you with nailing this task.

Ten tactics to create an essay in a foreign language

If you are only starting to learn a foreign language (and sometimes, even a couple of them), you can mix everything up all the time, and this is natural. To focus and come up with a decent essay, stick to the following simple tricks:

  1. Edit with online tools. Find some proper grammar and spell online checker (we recommend Grammarly, but you can choose any to your taste) for essay editing. First make a draft of your essay how you feel it should be and then check it for mistakes, typos, and other flaws;
  2. Learn with mistakes. An essay is another excellent way to improve your language skills as you find the errors and learn from them. Next time you will be writing a paper in Spanish, you will do it much better thus saving time;
  3. Write with style. There are four fundamental rules to follow: remove unnecessary words, don`t use passive voice, use simple constructions, and shorter sentences. This is the perfect way for language learners to make fewer mistakes and still create a good impression;
  4. Read. The more you read, the more you learn, and you should read not only books and articles in the language you study but other students` essays to understand the logic, style, and structure of typical essays. Thus you can become one step closer to writing a good one;
  5. Build a phrasebook. Writing down new words and word combinations will let you enlarge your vocabulary and make your essays more diversified. Add new words every day to impress your teacher with the knowledge of words not specified in the curriculum;
  6. Think differently. Try to think in a foreign language while you are writing. Of course, it will take you more time and effort to form your thoughts than in your native language, but it will help you write more naturally;
  7. Study of grammar. In addition to growing your vocabulary, pay attention to grammar as this is the tool that transforms your words into profound phrases. Grammar will help you use the words the right way to convey your thoughts and express your opinion;
  8. Ask for feedback. If you have a native speaker in your contacts on Facebook, use this opportunity to improve your writing skills. Everyday communication will help you write more easily and naturally using the phrases of your companion, and you can even ask this person to check your essay for mistakes and give recommendations;
  9. Ask your teacher. This is a simple but obvious tip that is often ignored. If you have any difficulties, who can help you better and more eager than your teacher?
  10. Think positively. Remind yourself that you will not come up with a perfect essay overnight; you need to practice and study new things every day to see the progress.