
Enlightening the Top 8 Reasons Why People Are Using Periscope

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Enlightening the Top 8 Reasons Why People Are Using Periscope. Periscope is a smart application designed for Android and iOS with a purpose to ‘Go Live’ anytime anywhere through your mobile phones. It seems as if the app magically ventured into the play store with no signs or notifications of its launch. Then gradually the app did hit the market in a way that it has become omnipresent now for the active mobile users. Moreover, the social media platform constantly is giving a high boost to the increasing significance of this application Going further ahead, the Periscope app on desktops also became ubiquitous with an urge to go live anywhere anytime on a larger screen and with higher resolution.

The app serves as a broadcast station of the mobile platform that incorporates notifications and social sharing options when you go for live streaming with live discussions, delivering important news, displaying your art, showcasing your skills, interacting with followers, and conducting events. Once the broadcast is over, you can simply replay the video or audio file whenever you wish and even provide feedback and comments on the same.

With a simple method of live streaming your life, millions of users are using Periscope for business and personal use. Before getting into understanding the benefits, let us learn how to use the periscope.

Using Periscope for Broadcasting

Using periscope requires a specific procedure as follows:

  • First, you need to download the app on your mobile phone through the play store
  • Then create an account using your mobile phone or your Twitter credentials
  • Then execute all the settings for your use as you desire and acquire
  • Further to start broadcasting hit the camera button available on the navigation bar
  • Enter all the essential details of your video including title and description
  • Then hit the button ‘Start Broadcast’
  • By default settings, whatever you broadcast will be visible to the public
  • If in case, you looking to make it private ensure to make the required changes under the settings

Using Periscope to Watch a Broadcast

To watch any scope or broadcast on Periscope, follow the steps:

  • You can browse the list of scopes or any map version under the broadcast tab
  • Then select the scope or broadcast of your interest and start watching
  • If under the settings, you have kept the notifications turned on then you will receive notifications for all new scopes
  • You also receive notification if someone you follow shares a live video or when someone you follow sends you an invitation to a private group of broadcast

Tabs of the Periscope App

There are mainly four tabs in the Periscope application:

  • The first tab displays two lists, one list of people live on periscope from the contacts you are following and the second list is the display of broadcasts viewed in the past 24 hours.
  • The second tab is the display of live public broadcasts from across the globe
  • The third tab is the broadcast closet of all the scopes
  • The fourth tab serves as the search bar to search and browse for broadcasts and people to follow

Now let us enlighten the top 10 reasons why people are using the periscope. Some of the significant advantages of periscope are as follows:

  1. Strongly Build Your Following: You can easily build your following with live streaming of your personal and business life. With the use of this app, you are connected with all your Twitter accounts and hence you register yourself for Periscope you can have access to all these contacts. Moreover, whenever you do live to stream, you will already have viewers and audiences to pay attention to your videos and audios.
  2. GeoTag Your Videos: You can geotag your videos using the location button on the dashboard of the application. This helps you to share the location from where the live streaming was broadcasted.
  3. Enhanced Privacy Control: Everyone in this digital world where social media channels are taking a big leap prefer networking with each other through various sources and channels. Going live with personal information, skills, and talents is one way to stay in connection and further share the same on various social media channels. While you do the broadcasting, Periscope gives you an opportunity to enable privacy controls by making your videos live to selected contacts. You can even choose to select the Public and make your streaming visible to the public.
  4. Live Source of Fun and Entertainment: This has a dynamic and vibrant community with people from around the world connected with each other through various means. Cooking tips, live events, business tips, medication, dancing skills, world news, and regular chatting are few measures that make you sociable and serve as a great source of fun and entertainment. You can have the best of your time with whatever you desire, whatever entertains you, whatever interest you have, and whatever makes you feel happy.
  5. Brand Marketing and Brand Recognition: Streaming videos is one of the best ways to promote your brand in the global sector. This works as a great tool for brand recognition and marketing as in videos the audience or the viewers are able to correlate with the concept and the significance of your business perspectives.
  6. Add Value to Your Business: Through Periscope, you can even add value to your business by running various scopes on any relevant topic. This becomes an easy initiative for attracting more potential clients and staying connected to existing clients simultaneously.
  7. Scope Anytime Anywhere: With a Smartphone, you have an opportunity to scope anytime and anywhere. You need not stay dependant on any time span or device or location for going live.
  8. Instant Feedback: If you are planning to conduct any event or scope anything then you have the freedom to test, evaluate, and then make a decision using the feedback from an engaged audience. You can compare the titles of your scopes and check out its popularity amongst all engaged audiences. This, in turn, gives you instant feedback to help you decide the relevancy of the title you are planning to scope.