
What You Should Know About Preventive Care

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Nearly everybody has heard or come across preventive care at some point, whether from commercials or directly from your physician. Unfortunately, not many may be conversant about preventive care or what it entails. So, what exactly is it? Bastrop preventive health is essentially the measures you take to remain healthy before falling ill. Ideally, Dr. Pompeyo Chavez defines preventive health as the process of avoiding diseases through dietary suggestions, physical assessments, regular screenings, and more. If you have yet to incorporate preventive health into your care routine, continue reading to discover its benefits.

What Is the Significance of Preventive Care?

Preventive care is a unique model of medicine that aims to cure diseases and illnesses before they occur. This health care approach is critical in that it can aid in the early detection of risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and certain malignancies early on when they are highly curable. Typically, addressing medical concerns early minimizes the likelihood of acquiring more serious complications, not forgetting to assist you in restoring and upholding optimal wellbeing.

What Are Some Common Elements of Preventive Care?

To better comprehend what preventive care entails, here are some of the major elements that make up this care model:

v  Annual Physical Examinations

An annual exam is a significant part of preventive treatment in that it may assist you and your physician in having a better outlook on your general health and wellbeing. This information could provide your physician with an understanding of your risk factors and the forms of preventive interventions required for your specific physiology.

v  Lifestyle/Diet Suggestions

Considering that most medical concerns stem from poor lifestyle and dieting habits, your doctor may review your lifestyle and diet choices with you depending on the outcomes of your checks. Favorable choices regarding nutrition and healthy living contribute to your body’s capability to remain healthy and combat illnesses.

v  Screenings

Health tests may provide your physician with a crisp picture of your health. These screenings may include but are not limited to cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure checks. Depending on the outcomes of your lifestyle choices, blood, and physical tests, your doctor will establish what other tests might be required to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

v  Counseling

Last but not least, counseling is a type of preventive treatment you could require. A competent doctor will take time to build a relationship with patients so that they can have a deeper insight into your health status and habits. As this doctor-patient relationship develops, your physician may provide counsel on habits like smoking, sedentary living, stress, or other aspects that may be harmful to your health and lifespan.

What Are the Advantages of Preventive Care?

Preventive treatment could assist you in avoiding acquiring major illnesses and allows you to take a more active role in your health. Other key benefits include: 

·         Helps identify health-related concerns early on

·         Help with management of chronic illnesses

·         Reduces overall healthcare expenses

·         Educates patients on how to maintain optimal health and wellbeing 

Essentially, preventative care is an important aspect of medical care that could help you live a more satisfying and healthier life by catching medical concerns early on before they grow into severe conditions. Talk to Dr. Pompeyo Chavez at the private practice in Bastrop, TX, about your concerns. Whether you are at risk of diabetes, obesity, thyroid problems, and many other chronic illnesses, Dr. Chavez can help. Schedule an initial consultation through mobile or request online today.