Digital Marketing

How to Boost Rankings with a Great Design

3 Mins read

The design of a website is a key factor that impacts SEO. Until the web design has been optimized, SEO strategies will continue to fail. 

For effective SEO, as the best SEO services in India will tell you, the first thing that you need to pay attention to is certain features of the website and modify it as required. Once you finalize the design with the required changes, you will only need to update the content until a need for remodeling arises. 

The need is to make the website friendly for the search engines so that they can crawl and index, i.e. access the content and present it to their users when your website has content that is relevant to their search query. 

If the information is easy to access, the chances of a better rank for your website increase. Most users find the information they are seeking in the top results and that is why all websites vie for the top spot in SERPs.

Do you want to know how you can get your website to the top with SEO? Pay attention to the following pointers and see if your website meets the requirements. If not, get to work.

Non-Design Elements for Boost Ranking

Before we get to the design elements, there are some external factors that relate to the website and must be taken care of. These are:

  • Domain Name 

Is it catchy? Is it easy to remember? Does it relate to your brand? If not, consider changing it to make it easy for your target audience to remember you and recognize you. Relevance is key for customers and that helps them remember websites that they like to visit.

  • Hosting

Speed is essential when it comes to SEO. While the design of the website has an impact on the speed, another factor that can hamper it is the host. Pick a host that is fast or you will lose customers. 

  • CMS (Content Management System)

The choice of a CMS or even an e-commerce platform for those who need it matters a lot when it comes to the effectiveness of SEO. 

Hence, the choice should be made keeping your needs in mind and correlate them with the services offered by the platform. What you definitely need is a user-friendly and robust CMS that can fulfill your requirements.

Technical Elements for designing or boost the ranking

Here are some technical elements to consider when designing the website:

  • Coding

Choose coding software that is acceptable across search engines. Keep the coding minimal to facilitate easier crawling and indexing.

  • Internal Linking

The homepage of a website is easily indexed. To ensure indexing for all other pages of your website, internal linking is helpful. The links and URLs used for this purpose must also be contextual, easy to understand, and relevant.

  • Navigation

If a user cannot find what he needs easily, the design is a failure. Easy and structured navigation makes it comfortable for visitors to know where they can find certain information. Think like a user when planning the layout of the website.

  • Mobile-First

Mobile-first indexing has been in place since 2017 and this makes it imperative that the website is designed keeping the mobile user in mind. 

If not designed, it must, at least, be made mobile-friendly. If you fail to do so, you lose out on a large chunk of business that comes through this platform. Moreover, if your website is not mobile-friendly, search engines will rank you lower.

  • Speed

The speed with which your website loads contributes to the user experience. A slow website loses customers quickly and you gift them to your competitors. A simple, clean website loads faster. Compressed images and optimized coding can also add to a faster speed. 

On-Page SEO

This is about all that happens on the website for improving your ranking.

Keyword Research

Keywords are one of the most important aspects of this section. It is important to know what is it that your users are looking for and include it in your content. 

If your website has the relevant information and is contextual to the search query, there is a high chance of improving your rank for that query. 

Metadata for ranking improvement

The descriptions that you add as metadata play a key role in convincing the users that you have the information they seek. 

The users are hence compelled to click on the link and not just scroll ahead. This leads to more clicks and hence a better ranking. 

These are the important aspects that you must keep in mind when designing the website. An easier, more effective, and more productive way is to hire a web design company that has the required knowledge and expertise to deliver an SEO-optimised website for you.