
5 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Jewelry As A Man

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Avoid Mistakes when you are buying jewelry as a man – The search for the perfect jewelry is much more than showing up at a certified store and buying a pricy piece. Buying bangles especially can be trickier, as the shopkeeper will show you a plethora of new model bangles designs and you are sure to get buried in the choices. And especially if you are a man with little to no idea about jewelry, who has ventured out to buy bangles for your special someone, here are 5 common mistakes you can steer clear of:

  • “Price and style go hand in hand”:  It is common to be led by the notion of “the bigger, the better”, and so people, especially men more than often tend to choose jewelry based on how pricey it is, completely overlooking the style of the piece, in this process. So, it is advisable to construct a budget in mind before heading out for jewelry shopping. In this way, you can choose splendid jewelry (light weight gold bangles designs) that fits in your budget.
  • The cut is not important: This is a common mistake and often overlooked. Keeping cut quality in mind is important if you are eyeing a diamond bangle.  Do your homework about diamond cuts in advance, as the jeweler might try to confuse you by showing different cut qualities together, just to sell their most convenient option.
  • Being impulsive: There are more than one detail and intricacies in the world of jewelry, and as they are pretty expensive to try to consider all of them before buying one. Do not just drop in the store and buy the first thing you lay your eye on. Keep the carats in mind for gold and cut in mind for buying diamond and platinum bangles. If you are confused, do not hesitate. Ask your mom, your sister or anyone who has a better idea on this subject than you.
  • Not choosing jewelry according to occasions:  Even though this article is mostly about bangles, this mistake applies to every piece of jewelry. There are certain jewelries for certain occasions; you have to keep that in mind, as it is of prime importance. If you propose to your girlfriend with a pair of earrings, it might create a very awkward situation. Know what jewelry to gift according to the occasion. Bangles are a great gift choice if you are celebrating your marriage anniversary.
  • “All that glitters is gold”: All pieces of jewelry do not appeal to everyone. So jewelry which is gorgeous in your opinion may not appeal to your partner in the same way. Planning jewelry as a surprise gift is a risky path, so make sure you are well aware of your woman’s choices and preferences before you go out to buy it for her.

So men, don’t worry, just keep these mistakes to avoid in mind, and you are good to go!