
Applications of Vector Algebra in real life

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Applications of Vector Algebra in real life. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. According to Hermann Grassmann, Mathematics is the science of the connection of magnitudes. Magnitude is something that can be given equal or unequal to another quantity. Two quantities are equal when in every case each quantity can be replaced by the other quantity. Students are familiar with the concept of vector quantities through their senior secondary class maths syllabus. These concepts will help students in dealing with real-life situations. 

Recalling the various concepts such as the geometric introduction of vectors will help us in better understanding of the magnitude and direction of a vector and other related concepts in maths. Students might have studied the addition of vectors, scalar multiplication of vectors, cross product, dot product including vector triple product using different notations. Other than mathematics vector algebra has many applications in different fields along with vector calculus in engineering, medicine, and physics. These fields use some of the vector concepts namely scalar triple product, cross and dot product of vectors in order to find the volume of a parallelepiped, amount of work done and so on.

When dealing with the real-life applications of vector algebra we can observe some of the sports which involve vectors. For example, in baseball, basketball, the term vector is used by the players unconsciously. When we observe certain things such as when players hit the shot or target or when they throw the ball with some angle and in a certain direction will make us remember one of the important concepts called a vector. Additionally, we can apply vectors when the boat has to cross the river straightly where the direction and speed of the boat are also taken into consideration.

Also, in some games to save the positions, velocities, and directions we can apply the concept of vectors. For example, how far the object from another object is can be indicated by the position vectors. How much force we should apply and how much time will it take to reach the goal can be indicated by the velocity vector. Besides, the direction vector specifies in which direction we should apply the force to move the object. Apart from these applications, vectors can also be applied in roller coaster movement. Examples of modulus function also include the concept of finding the angle between vectors using direction cosines by finding the modulus of given vectors. 

We can also observe the application of vectors in cricket when a batsman hits a shot there will be three possibilities. One is, dropping the ball just before the fielder, second is catching out and the third one is reaching the maximum score for a shot that is sixer. All these possibilities depend on some factors like in which direction the ball has been hit by the batsman, angle between bat and the direction line, and how much force is applied for that particular shot. These are the much-known applications where we can observe the related concepts of vectors knowingly or unknowingly.