Digital Marketing

How is Digital Marketing Shaping the Future of Business?

3 Mins read

Digital marketing is now considered to be the forefront of marketing in this new internet-enabled age. It encompasses most of the aspects of traditional marketing with the use of an electronic device to grow their brand on digital channels and platforms which include social media websites, search engines, blogs and e-magazines, emails, video distribution sites and more. This way businesses are able to reach and communicate with prospective customers.

For this method of marketing to be effective, the use of the right digital marketing tools need to be used. While in general, digital marketing covers a vast range of online activities, the tools that are used to carry out the marketing process focuses around the following, listed below. 

The Most Common Types of Digital Marketing Tools

Email Marketing

Email is now widely used in the digital marketing sphere and it has been around for over 2 decades. As the use of emails has been largely accepted by everyone is now part of daily life, it can be used to effectively convey information to potential customers. 

Many companies prefer to use this effective digital marketing tool as it is the most direct way to reach out to prospective clients. A study was conducted in 2019 that showed the average person with an internet enabled device checks their emails 6 times a day while people who work in the corporate sector, check theirs 3 times an hour. 

However, just sending emails to people of interest does not make it a successful business marketing strategy. For companies to benefit from email marketing, they should plan out email campaigns that need to be relevant to the buyer, by providing engaging information as well as retaining the interest of the person. 

Generally, when it comes to this type of marketing, there are 5 main attributes that should be included in the process which are listed below.

  • The email must provide a sense of trustworthiness.
  • The email must be more conversational rather than coming across as an advertisement.
  • The email must contain relevant information.
  • The email must be tailored for the targeted audience.
  • The email must be strategically planned and in a well laid out format.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a very powerful digital marketing tool when used effectively. It can drastically increase a company’s online presence and brand awareness. In this day and age, people who are active on social media use it to discover and educate themselves on the experience of a new product.

Companies can have specific product and service pages on sites such as Twitter and Facebook by creating company accounts. For this to be an effective method of marketing, these businesses can also incorporate social elements into their marketing strategy i.e. having a tie-in with an influencer which in turn, creates more peer-to-peer sharing opportunities. Once you find an audience that responds well to your content, it will result in a positive impact, as they will further share your content on their channels, attracting new customers and generating more links that lead back to your social media accounts.

In late 2019, a poll was conducted that showed more than 47% of people in the United States are active users on Facebook and around 85% of the best selling products were pinned on the social media giant, Pinterest (photo sharing/blogging platform).

What are Best Digital Marketing Agencies in New York?

If you are a small business owner, it is of utmost importance that you find the right digital marketing firm suited for your type of business. Choosing the most viable digital marketing agency can have a huge impact as it can determine how fast your business will grow. 

First thing to do is make sure that you compare a list of all the qualified New York digital marketing agencies. Keep in mind the following factors before you consider hiring a digital firm for your business.

  • The marketing budget you’re willing to spend.
  • The size of your business.
  • The project timeline of the marketing campaign. 
  • The location of the digital marketing agency. 
  • If the digital marketing agency specializes in your field of business.


SEOValley is located in New York and is considered to be one of the fastest growing digital marketing firms of 2020. Their main objective is to help up and coming businesses by increasing their online exposure which, over time could lead to an increase in financial growth. Some of the main digital marketing services they offer are listed below. 

  • Content Marketing
  • Rank Tracking
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • SEO Audits
  • SEO Reseller Service
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Website Programming
  • Dedicated SEO Professional Team

SEOValley services are priced from $250 onwards for each month, if you are not sure about the cost of service, approach the firm and get a quote specifically for the number of digital marketing services you would like to avail before you make a decision.

Lounge Lizard

Lounge Lizard is another New York based digital marketing agency which specializes in website creation and design, generating and distributing social media content, SEO improvements, social media campaigns and much more. 

They are highly known for their creative marketing techniques that merge with their unique website designs. Check out their impressive marketing portfolio that contains many of their revenue-driving marketing strategies and different methods to increase customer acquisition.