Maintenance for Your John Deere: The Do’s and Dont’s

5 Mins read

Cotton picking is a multifaceted process that involves an array of operations to get the raw cotton from the farm to the gin. The whole process is filled with numerous potential hazards from people who operate cotton pickers to farm loaders and related service machinery. John Deere mechanical cotton harvesters are considered among the most durable, effective, and sturdy machines best suited for non-stop and super-fast cotton harvesting. Driving a John Deere is easy when you get the hang of it. The modern cotton pickers are large machines with numerous moving parts. You can feel its stability when steering it.

The best models make significant investments that can have substantial returns in later years. Their comfortable raised seats enable you to engage the picker spindles and adjust your position effortlessly. However, the considerable design changes in recent models call for skillful operation and maintenance to guarantee efficacy and people’s safety in and around the cotton picker. Good maintenance of the machine will ensure that you get many years of optimal service. After all, the input is directly proportional to output. So, a little time and effort can go a long way into ensuring that you get great performance for many seasons.

Prolonged use and lack of good maintenance will make your cotton picker parts eventually succumb to wear and tear. It is thus essential to check regularly for visible signs so that you can take necessary action and replace any worn out parts. Certi-Pik, USA, has your back regarding quality replacement parts and actual maintenance for your John Deere. We have a team of skilled specialists with years of experience repairing and servicing mechanical cotton harvesters in the region. Count on our expertise for repair and maintenance of all John Deere cotton pickers. The following are some DOs and DONT’s that can help you get the most from your John Deere cotton harvester if adhered to.

What You Should Do When Maintaining Your Cotton Picker

DO review your manual carefully before use. This review will guarantee that you consistently take care of all maintenance measures such as the engine, fueling system, lubrication, and electrical, among others. Do not forget to go through the miscellaneous features too. The last thing you want is to damage your investment. So, read through and understand how to care for your cotton picker, according to the manufacturer.

Always check tires for wear and necessary pressure refills.

Ensure your tires have the required pressure for that picker load before starting any activity. Low-pressure tires can cause the row-unit system to start bouncing, which results in damaged tires. Tire problems can cause accidents during high-speed drives and severe production delays. Additionally, disconnect the power and shut off the engine before starting the maintenance process. Start working when all parts have stopped moving.

Do add stabilisers to all fuel before filling your machine.

The fuel used in the world today degrades with time. Petroleum contains ethanol, a type of alcohol that, upon meeting moisture from the air, causes the fuel to have a short “lifespan” of as little as 30 days. When the fuel goes stale and continues to remain in the machine, you will start experiencing starting glitches.

Do check belts regularly for any damage and replace them accordingly.

Belts are a critical component of the machine that needs replacement when damaged or worn out to avoid severe damage to the cotton picker. Check for wear and tear signs during routine maintenance of the cotton picker. Should you find lots of cracks on the belt, or missing portions, replace it as soon as possible. While squeaking noises can be a pointer to belt issues, have a technician check the cotton picker for clarification. If your machine has been in the field for several seasons, replacing the belts is a good idea even if you do not see any conspicuous issues.

Keep the row height and tilt balanced.

The row units are tilted slightly to enable the lowest spindles to pick the plants at the lowest height, usually 1 inch above the soil. Proper row tilt provides greater harvesting efficiency since the cotton picker can harvest most of the plants in the field. Good tilt also allows for easier shedding of trash, thus reducing wear and damage on the cabinets. 

Always keep the spindle and spindle bushings sharp.

To remain highly effective, the cotton picker’s spindle and spindle bushings sharpness should always be maintained. Inspect the whole spindle often to check the extent of wear, rust, and sharpness. Replace dead spindles immediately since they can slow down the entire system. Picker spindles are mostly damaged at the heights where more cotton is harvested and where more soil meets the plants in the field. Worn out spindles tend to rust more quickly, which can reduce performance efficiency. Replace any destroyed spindles and bushes to prevent more damage to spindle moistening pads and offers.

Place fire extinguishers in an easily accessible spot.

Ensure you have a serviced fire extinguisher mounted strategically in case of a fire breakout. When using the extinguisher, aim at the fire source to put it out, not the flames. A fire extinguisher should be placed near the outside of the cab door, and another near the engine box, where it is easily accessible in case of a fire outbreak. Take time to train all employees on how to use a fire extinguisher and any other fire control measures on the cotton picker. Also, to keep fires at bay, keep the engine compartment and hood clean. Dried leaves and debris can easily catch fire if they meet a hot engine. The muffler and exhaust pipes should be free of leaks and all connections and terminals should be clean and firm.

Wear close-fitting attire.

When lubricating and adjusting parts that must be in motion during the actual process. This will prevent your clothes from accidentally being caught and trapped by moving parts, which can be fatal. Furthermore, have safety equipment such as blocks in place when working under or on the harvester to keep it from rolling on you.

After every routine maintenance, remember to return all shields and guards to their rightful positions. This will ensure that they perform their duties well when in place – protecting you from moving parts.

What You Should Avoid Doing

  • Avoid replacing or refilling fuel near naked flames or lit cigarettes.
  • DONT’ allow your machine to continue operating with contaminated fuel for a long time. Get rid of it as soon as possible and dispose of it appropriately.
  • It is dangerous to operate with faulty machinery with damaged parts. Get replacements or repairs immediately. 
  • DON’T steer your machine to steep slopes, creeks, or ditches because they make turning difficult, and attempting can result in a rollover.
  • You should not allow extra passengers in the cotton harvester.
  • DON’T disable safety components. While automatic delay features can be inconvenient, they are there for a good reason. This is for your safety and those who may be around the cotton harvester.

Quality Replacement Parts

If you notice damaged components in your machine, or worn out parts, don’t hesitate to contact Certi-Pik, USA. For more than 30 years, Certi-Pik, USA has been one of the leading providers of cotton picker replacement parts in the country. We are a fully licensed manufacturer and supplier of superior quality parts for cotton pickers and harvesters. Call us today for more information on the services that we offer and how you can maximize your cotton picker’s performance.