
7 Rules For Having A Universal Custom Logo Design

2 Mins read

We all admire the swoosh logo that has been representing Nike for decades, now. 

But how they came up with the idea that remained with them for years? Or, what was her trick that made Nike’s swoosh an ideal logo option for every surface wherever they tried to imprint it? It was artist Carolyn Davidson’s creativity and close attention to certain designing rules that made Nike’s smart logo possible.

If you want to have a universal custom logo design, just like Nike did, you need to follow these essential rules for design. Come, let’s unveil these important aspects of designing the best logo, below. 

Always Brainstorm

Every great creation takes ample time to structure it first!

If you truly want to have a universal custom logo design, you must invest enough time in brainstorming the base idea of the logo, first. 

Start with a few sketches and see how it would look in different variations of the main idea. This would, at least, give you a starting point to give your final creation a proper direction. 

Keep Balance

One precious rule for having a universal business logo is to maintain balance. 

Yes, your custom logo design should be balanced in every aspect from color selection to shapes and size. Because an out of proportion logo would be perceived as an unprofessional logo in the eyes of your audience. 

So, always look for odd aspects of your logo in order to achieve the perfect balance in the final product. 

Maintain Symmetry

Your logo would represent your business everywhere you market it. So, there should be a perfect a uniformity in it for the sake of achieving perfection in the final look. 

Think of the platforms where you’d market your business, your products or participate as a sponsor. And you’ll have a list of platforms for optimizing your logo’s size accordingly. And not only just big picture, your logo would look fantastically in proportion on your business card, pamphlets and even the memos only if you add symmetry in it. 

Choose Right Color

One of the tricks that successful brands use for having a remarkable logo is to use colors, strategically. 

Colors can invoke different emotions in our mood and therefore designers incorporate them in custom logo design very smartly. Sit with your graphic designer, think about the emotions you want to add into your custom logo design and achieve your branding goal via colors. Or you may take help from logo color guide if you’re new to this whole color scheming scenario. 

Match Personality

In order to make your logo design perfect, you need to relate it with your brand’s personality. By relating it with the brand’s personality, we mean that your logo should reciprocate exactly what your brand displays with its look and feel just like Nike customized its logo over the years. 

Keep Typography Classy

If you’re including your brand’s name into your logo, try to select fonts wisely. Because your font selection would influence the final shape of your business logo, so always go for a decent pick. 

Make It Recognizable

While you sit down with your graphic designer, don’t forget to ask him about recognition aspect of your logo. A logo, without being recognizable, fails the brand even before it starts to appear on billboards. So, ensure this quality in your custom logo design when you rebrand. 

Include A Message

If your intentions are to make your custom logo design a hot topic in the industry, try adding a hidden meaning in its graphics. This would give people something to discuss about your brand and they’ll develop a connection upon cracking the message in your logo, too. 

Comment below and share your rules for designing a universally perfect professional logo design.