
Myths and Misconceptions of Egg Donation

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Egg donation is a process that involves a fertile woman donating eggs to another woman to bear a child. In the process, the doctor will remove oocytes from the donor, take them to the lab for fertilization and then transfer the resulting zygote into the recipient’s uterus. Egg donation Murray Hill can benefit you if you cannot use your eggs due to problems like ovarian failure, advanced age, or avoiding congenital disorders in your fetus. Despite the broad medical information about egg donation, there are many myths and misconceptions about this fertility treatment option, which include:

Egg donation depletes donors’ eggs.

Women carry about two million eggs in the ovaries. A woman loses only a few hundred eggs in the ovulation process the entire life. Your doctor administers hormones that stimulate many of them in the donation process, so you will still have enough. Women between twenty to thirty years have thousands of viable eggs fit for donation.

Any woman can donate eggs.

You have to go through some tests and screening before donating your eggs. These evaluations give the recipient confidence that the eggs are fit and come from a person with good physical and mental health. The basic requirements to become an egg donor include being between twenty-one to twenty-nine of age and thirty-one years if you are an experienced donor and have a body mass index lower than twenty-nine. It would be best to attain an education level beyond high school qualifications.

The egg donation process is too painful.

The doctors recommend you take injections twenty-one days during the medication stage before the egg retrieval technique as a donor. Egg donors can experience minor effects such as bloating or cramping, but not everyone will have these symptoms. Doctors will sedate you during the actual egg retrieval process to prevent any discomfort.

Women donate eggs primarily for money.

People will assume you are donating eggs for money benefits. Egg donors are highly motivated to help someone in need. The recipient’s financial costs compensate for the donor’s time and any charges incurred for transport and missing work or school. The egg donation process needs you to be physically and mentally committed. You have to make a self-decision to donate eggs and not be forced by any person.

Egg donors have legal responsibilities to any child born.

When you donate your eggs, you relinquish all rights and responsibilities to the eggs and any child born from them. You must sign agreements for pieces of evidence in case of any issues that may arise in the future. The donor and the recipient are not supposed to know each other. Your information as a donor is presented in the anonymous form. The recipient will not obtain the donor’s phone number, email address, and last name.

Research has shown women who receive eggs after a donation have successful childbirths. If you are experiencing any egg problems affecting conception, consult your doctor about whether egg donation is suitable for you. Call Noble Fertility Center to schedule an appointment for egg donation.