
5 Ways You Can Install Sliding Barn Doors At Your Home

2 Mins read

Sliding barn doors beautifully add style and functionality to your home. While renovating or building home people do not much attention to the doors but professional architects do know the importance of doors for the overall look and functionality of your home. When it comes to doors, they mostly prefer sliding doors in their projects.

These sliding barn doors are not only easy to install, but they are also known for their space-saving capacity which makes them a perfect choice for areas like bathrooms or hallways that are usually blocked by a conventional door.

They are also suitable for large open spaces as they can be left open without hampering a comfortable flow from one room to another. There are several areas at your home where you can install barn doors to enjoy all their benefits but before discussing those areas let’s have a look at the advantages of these doors.

Sliding barn door advantages

  • They save space
  • Highly functional- easy to open and close, lightweight
  • Stylish- they can be easily styled according to your preferred aesthetic
  • Easy installation facility
  • Versatile design options
  • Convenience

Here are the areas of your home where you can add sliding barn doors.

  1. Bathroom

The concept of replacing your conventional bathroom doors with sliding barn doors is quite popular nowadays. It is even a better option for the bathrooms that are attached to bedrooms as it adds a pleasing appeal to your bedroom without disturbing your privacy.

  • Kitchen

No matter how big your kitchen is, organizing things properly in a kitchen is a big challenge that many people face. That is why sliding barn doors can be an excellent addition to your kitchen. These doors not only enhance the neatness of your kitchen area but also eliminates the problem of space crunch.

  • Pantries

Sliding doors are commonly seen in pantry areas. These doors offer easy access to the pantry area and add a rustic feel to the kitchen. Additionally, you can also hide clutter in the pantry area with a sliding barn door.

  • Separating two rooms

If you have a big room, you can make it two by simply adding a sliding barn door in between. Adding sliding barn doors between rooms creates space and separate rooms keeping things accessible and open. You can maintain privacy or block sound by closing the door and leave them open to beautify the space.

  • Laundry room

Laundry rooms can be noisy due to continuous washing and drying. Installing sliding doors in your laundry room can help reduce the sound from outside and add a rustic charm to space.

It does not really matter what kind of entryway you have; barn doors have an amazing capacity to fit into all types of home styles. So, if you are planning to change your existing doors or building a new house, do consider the sliding glass doors that give you the above-mentioned benefits.

Although these doors are for everyone, if you have space crunch at your home or have a tight home renovation budget, you can easily fulfill your functional and aesthetic needs with these doors without compromising on your preferred style or budget. Visit the KNCrowder.com website to learn more about sliding doors, sliding door hardware and tracks.