
Learn How the Elder Abuse Lawyers Can Help You

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Every year, you will come across a handful of older people who get abused or exploited financially by their spouses, nursing homes, or children. This abused is perpetrated by a caretaker who might be a professional or personal one. We very well know that elderly people are very vulnerable due to loneliness, inability to function properly, or impairment.

All of this makes the abusers take advantage of these elderly people, and they end up causing harm to them. To help the elderly people around you get out of such worst situations, you can suggest them hire the elder abuse lawyers in Los Angeles. Considering this, we are here with a small guide in which you can know more about elder abuse, different types, and what action is to be taken.

What is Elder Care Abuse?

Elder abuse is the intentional, malicious, or reckless incident that causes damage to an elderly person. The elder harassment can be criminalized, which can result in increased penalties for the abusers. There could also be the possibility for victims of elder abuse to seek the recovery of civil damages.

Different Types of Elder Abuse

There are different types of elder abuses, which we have described below:

Sexual Abuse

Sexual assault is any sort of inappropriate activity that is done forcibly with an older person without his or her permission. This may involve any type of sexual act, showing them pornographic material and any other type of forceful act.

Physical Abuse

The deliberate imposition of physical harm, disability, or damage is known as physical assault. Physical violence involves punching, beating, slapping, throwing objects, kicking, etc. It also requires the improper use of medications, which prevent the elderly person from confining him or her.

Emotional Elder Abuse

Emotional elder abuse results from screaming, insulting, degrading, ridiculing, ignoring, terrorizing, or intimidating an older person. The elder abuse lawyers in Los Angeles are very particular about this type of abuse as they consider it to be fatal also. 

Financial Exploitation

Financial abuse is the illegal use of the earnings or assets of an older individual. Any person known to the elderly can inflict financial abuse, such as a forge on their property documents or take their valuable assets. This can be done with the help of an insurance agent or a lawyer. The best example of financial misuse includes copying an elderly person’s signature, doing some identity fraud, withdrawing cash from an elderly person without their awareness, stealing their property, or mismanaging the elder’s checks and credit cards.

Negligence towards the Elders

Negligence towards the elderly person is one of the most important types of elder abuse. We can say that this is the main source of cases of elder abuse. Negligence may be deliberate or accidental if induced by reasons such as ignorance or understaffing. This has been a huge problem for the elderly. Since, they have always demanded extra care rather than getting neglected.

Get Legal Assistance From Greylaw Now!!!

If you are in contact with such a person who is being threatened by the family members or in nursing homes, then you can contact the best elder abuse lawyers in Los Angeles. You will certainly wish to consider hiring a lawyer to make a lawsuit against the caregiver who assaulted the elderly person and the company they are working with. There may be civil damages that are required to be compensated. Greylaw is here to help you with the most of it. You can get in touch with them now and know more about how to help your elders in such situations.