
All You Need to Know About Pandoro Cake and It’s Easy Recipe

3 Mins read

When it comes to finding cake varieties in our local bakeries, there will be options in flavors only. Whipped cream infused with various tempting flavors is not the only option while choosing varieties in cakes. For something distinctive and premium on your next celebration, it is advisable to search for your cakes in the Italian section. The Italian bakers are known for making the world’s best bread. They carry forward the well-preserved centuries-old recipes. With some preservation techniques, now anyone from any corner of the world can easily order negative Italian cakes. While talking about the oldest and best quality cakes from Italy, we cannot ignore the name of Pandoro. This star-shaped bread loaf doesn’t require any kind of cream or other seasonings. Its recipe is great enough to stimulate your taste buds with irresistible flavors. For Italian food lovers, we have some interesting information about pandoro cakes. Please scroll down to enhance your knowledge. 

Some interesting facts about pandoro cake

  1. Pandora cake was originated from Verona City near Venice. It was initially introduced by Dominico Melegatti in the late 19th century. 
  2. This bread was considered a luxurious sweet in Italy because of the gold leaf cover. The term “Pandoro” means golden bread that was specially reserved for aristocrats. 
  3. The traditional look of Pandoro cake is like 8 point star. However, you can also buy pandoro cake in various other star shapes from bakeries nowadays. 
  4. Since its introduction to the market, Italians consider Pandora as a Christmas cake. Still, most of the native Italians buy pandoro as a traditional cake for Christmas celebrations. This Italian Christmas cake is now popular throughout the world. 
  5. As compared to other cakes, pandoro is very simple yet delicious. Native Italians consider it a compliment to espresso coffee after lunch. 
  6. According to your taste preferences, pandoro cake can be customized with different flavors of cream, chocolates and fruits.

Easy recipe to bake a delicious pandoro cake

Pandora cake is known for its complicated native recipe that requires a lot of patience. Still, we are trying to explain it in the easiest way. 

Ingredients for starter

  1. Half cup of warm water
  2. Half cup of all-purpose flour
  3. One-fourth cup of granulated sugar
  4. 1 egg yolk
  5. One packet of active dry yeast

Ingredients for cake

  1. Half cup of granulated sugar
  2. 3 cups of all-purpose flour
  3. 6 egg yolks
  4. 1 whole egg
  5. Kosher salt 1 teaspoon
  6. Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
  7. Orange zest three fourth teaspoon
  8. Unsalted butter 8 tablespoons

Ingredients for topping

  1. Tuaca-mascarpone cream
  2. Toasted almonds
  3. Powdered sugar

Directions to prepare

Making a starter

Take a large bowl and mix all starter ingredients together with the help of a whisk. cover this mixture with plastic wrap and keep it in a warm place for around 1 ½ hours. 

Cake preparation

  1. Take another large bowl and coat it from inside with the help of butter. 
  2. Once the starter doubled its size with active yeast, add 1 ½ cup and one-fourth cup of sugar. When they are evenly mixed together, add 3 egg yolks and repeat the blending process. 
  3. Add half of the butter in this dough and knead evenly for around 5 minutes. 
  4. cover the Baul tightly with plastic wrap and let it rise for around 2 hours in a warm place.
  5. Take a stand mixer and pour all the dough into it. Add remaining sugar, flour, egg yolks, whole egg, salt, lemon zest and vanilla. Blend all these ingredients at low speed for around 1 minute. 
  6. Add remaining butter to the mixture and increase the speed of the stand mixer to medium. Blend the ingredients for the next 6 minutes until you get a stringy texture. 
  7. Coat a bowl with butter and keep the dough inside it for the next 2 hours. 
  8. Get 9 Star-shaped pandoro molds and brush them from inside with melted butter. Sift the mixture inside your molds, cover them with a plastic wrap and allowed to rise for the next one hour. 
  9. Preheat your oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit and bake your pandoro molds for 15 minutes. 
  10. Reduce its temperature to 325 Fahrenheit and keep on breaking your pandoro cake for the next 20 minutes. 
  11. Take the molds out of the oven and place them on a cooling rack for 10 minutes. Allow your cakes to cool down completely for 1 hour. 
  12. Sprinkle all the toppings and your pandoro cake is ready to serve. 

If you don’t want to follow this lengthy process, there are options to order Italian cakes online from native bakers.