Digital Marketing

Effective Tactics For Video Marketing

4 Mins read

According to recent statistics, videos are the most popular form of medium getting many more viewers than images or texts. As effective as videos, they are also tough to produce and develop. Moreover, the hard work won’t give you results unless you make it reach a large network. No matter how qualitative your videos are, they won’t give you the result you want unless you have a good number of views. So, how to get a promising engagement once you have uploaded your videos?

Questions are a great way to start. If questions push you to go deeper, know that your audience would also be compelled to watch your video to know a specific answer. Try to give them what they are looking for. Give them a glimpse of your video, perhaps through a free promo video maker. Here are some effective tips and tactics which can help you boost your video promotion.

Create engaging Titles with context

The titles you use for your videos are the first clickbait for your audience. Make sure to keep them relevant according to what your target audience wants. Studying your audience is a great step to get on with the right promotional hacks. Your titles should be engaging, perhaps in a question format that can bring curiosity to the viewers. By using the right keywords, you can trust Google to have your video organically accessible to your viewers.

Research is thus very important. You must have a clear idea of what is the most searched keyword for your topic. You must use the relevant keywords in your video description, as well as the title. SEO is a key tool in today’s digital marketing. Using the right tags, hashtags, and descriptions can be real game-changers.

Interact with your audience

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have billions of daily users, and they are constantly binging on content. Most of these platforms have developed interactive ways to engage with the audience, and live videos have been an upcoming trend. Live videos are fast, very engaging with multiple features, and you can have a real-time analysis of your audience. These videos can help you gauge what your audience likes about your content and what they would want to change. It also gives them a platform and an impetus to get to know about you as a creator, and that can push them into watching your content.

Video campaigns are effective on YouTube and Facebook Live. You can show what work you are doing to create your video, what events you are attending and show demos for your products. You can also collaborate with other influencers who may or may not be more popular than you.

Don’t ignore your thumbnails

Apart from your titles, the images you use for your thumbnails are the first glimpse into your video for a new audience. It should be attractive and make them want to see your video. The thumbnail should encapsulate a brief idea of your video and present that to your audience. Use nice colors and bold fonts to make them effective.

Creating a small trailer is another great idea to get your audience on their toes. Use an ad maker to show some good parts of your video in the trailer. But don’t let them indulge in it too much. Give them just enough content so that they look forward to the real video.

Cross-promotion through networks

Don’t rely on one media for content promotion. There are multiple social media websites that can help you boost your audience. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram can attract hundreds of viewers if used rightly. Promote your content through regular posts and stories. On platforms like Instagram, stories get more exposure, and you can also put your video links on them. If you have a Facebook community, tell them that you have created a video, and you need an audience. Reach out to your WhatsApp groups as well.

If you have a team of editors and collaborators, request them unabashedly to promote your video. Don’t hesitate to ask your viewers to share the link and promote your video. They will hopefully agree if they like your content, and this will make your content on various platforms across different networks.

Organise your Content

If you have a hoard of content on your channel or your website, make sure to keep them organized. Many times, if a viewer likes one video, they might be interested in other videos as well. Give them easy access for the same. If you have something in your video which is related to another video that is also created by you, make sure to give them a reference. Share the link in the description or somewhere, which is more accessible. You can create an entire playlist on YouTube and keep them under a relevant category. Try to make your videos and their collections useful for your audience.

Use Artificial Intelligence to cut the deal

AI technology has made it very easy for creators to reach their audiences nowadays. Artificial Intelligence has developed sophisticated techniques to help you do marketing round the clock. Apps like Alter have developed algorithms that analyze clicks and browsing histories to match your content to the best potential audience. These bots are automatic, and you don’t have to invest extra time in it. Video creation in itself is a hectic task, and thereby, such AI methods come in very handy to the modern video-maker.


These are some tactics that can get you and your videos to the best audience you desire. As you try to promote and expand your reach, you would realize key moments when you might have to invest in certain devices to reach a greater audience. Let’s not ignore the competition in the market these days and how everyone wants exposure. So, try to put in as much effort you can as possible. Be assured that if you get the right audience in the end, all your efforts will be beautifully rewarded.