
How To Make Hair soft?

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Using  360wave brush for wolfing,hair-smoothing cream, medicine there are a dozen tips to help fight perfectly smooth and soft hair. Shiny, silky strands like Jennifer Aniston? Easy! We talk about how to make hair soft at home.

To stop wondering how to make your hair soft and shiny, always wash your hair (or at least rinse it at the end of washing) with cold water. This method not only invigorates the spirit: unlike warm water, cool closes the hair scales and prevents their fragility.

After a shower, do not aggressively rub your hair – it will only get damaged and electrified. Better gently pat the strands with a towel.

How to make hair softer? Do not abuse styling appliances. Curling iron, hairdryer, and ironing are the culprits of hair stiffness. And this is not surprising, because hot air contributes to the loss of moisture and damage to the cuticle and hair shaft. If you can’t completely refuse them, be sure to prepare the curls by applying a good heat-protective spray or a special serum to them.

Even if you dream of long hair, this is no reason not to go to the hairdresser. Indeed, first of all, the hair should be healthy – so they will grow faster and look cooler. So do not run the tips and visit the stylist every six weeks.

To prevent dry strands from looking lifeless, treat them to avocado guacamole. This fruit is rich in vitamins and proteins, which are useful not only for the body, but also for the hair. To do this, carefully rub (so that there are no lumps) avocados, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the pulp with a comb with wide teeth for 10-30 minutes and rinse.

It turns out that aloe vera helps not only with burns. This plant contains enzymes that promote the growth of healthy strands, and also has a softening effect. And all because aloe has a structure similar to keratin (and this is the main building protein of the hair), so it penetrates curls without problems, securing them. Just stir a couple of drops of aloe vera gel in warm water, comb the strands with this mixture, leave for 30 minutes and rinse. Fresh gel, squeezed from a homemade aloe leaf, is best suited for this. If the gardener is none of you, buy such a gel in a pharmacy, most importantly, check that there is no alcohol in its composition.

How to make hard hair soft, and also thoroughly wash them from styling and dust? Apple cider vinegar will help in this difficult task. In addition to cleansing, this trick will restore the PH balance of the strands and seal the hair scales. Stir a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. After washing your hair with shampoo and balm, rinse your curls with this mixture. Rub the solution thoroughly into the roots and along the length of the hair, and then rinse (of course, with cool water).

Do not comb wet hair – so you only damage them. The strands must be dry. And in order to keep the tips soft, use a comb with rare teeth. Dividing the hair into sections, start combing them at the roots, moving the comb vertically. For those who always complain about the sensitivity of the scalp and tangled strands, before combing, we recommend applying a softening leave-in conditioner to the curls.

Super softening mask can be prepared with your own hands. Rub one banana with two tablespoons of yogurt (do not limit yourself – choose the one that is fatter). And now attention: rub the finished paste into the skin of the head, and do not eat it (even though the temptation is great). Put on a hat. Wash off a nutritious cocktail from the head in an hour. Voila, the hair will become soft and shiny.

Of course, everyone decides for himself how often he needs to wash his hair. After all, it depends on the type of hair. For example, thick and dry hair stays clean longer, while thin and greasy ones require more frequent washing. But the more you wash your hair, the faster it will get dirty. Plus, it damages the strands, especially if you use shampoos containing sulfates and other chemicals. So without fanaticism – wash your hair at least every other day.

When blow drying your hair, be sure to hold it properly. First, do not forget to put a diffuser on it. Secondly, direct a stream of air from top to bottom, then the hair will remain soft and smooth. And if you dry your hair with the flow directed upwards, then they will immediately fluff and will look careless.

How to make hair soft and silky? Check out what your pillowcases are made of. It is better to give preference to satin or silk: unlike ordinary cotton, these fabrics do not create strong friction, and accordingly – less damage to hair.