
Forms of Mental Health Disorders

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Mental health involves your emotional, psychological, and social wellness. It affects your ability to make choices, relate with other people and handle stress. San Pedro mental health is essential in your entire life, and preserving it will enable you to enjoy life. Interpersonal connections and physical influence can affect mental health. Conditions such as stress or anxiety can lead to mental illness. The conditions that cause mental health disorders can be classified in the following forms:

Anxiety disorders

When you have an anxiety disorder, you respond to particular objects or circumstances with fear and dread. You may experience physical signs of anxiety such as sweating and a quick heartbeat. Anxiety is diagnosed if you cannot respond to a situation appropriately or control a circumstance or fear hinders your normal functioning.

Psychotic disorders

Psychotic disorders include inaccurate thinking and awareness. The most common symptoms of this disorder are hallucinations such as hearing absent voices and delusions. Hallucination is where you experience visions or unreal sounds, while delusions involve accepting false beliefs to be true despite differing evidence.

Impulse control and addiction disorders

If you have control disorder, you cannot resist urges to do acts that can cause harm to you or others. Examples of impulse control disorders include stealing, starting fights, and irrational gambling. Alcohol and drugs are the common substances that cause addictions. Addictions to these substances can lead you to neglect your responsibilities.

Personality disorders

Personality disorders will make you have extreme personality traits that are discomforting to yourself or cause issues at the workplace or social interactions. Your thinking patterns and behavior differ from society’s expectations, hindering your normal functioning. Antisocial and schizoid personalities are some of the examples of personality disorders.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorders arise if you have undergone terrifying events such as sexual or physical abuse, the unexpected death of a relative or a friend, or a natural disaster. You will experience lasting and frightening thoughts from the memories of those traumatic events. You will regularly have emotional numbness.

Stress response syndrome

Stress response syndrome occurs when you develop emotional and behavioral indications arising from stressful events. Stressors that can cause this disorder are natural disasters, car accidents, severe diseases, divorce, job loss, or effects of drug abuse. This syndrome begins three months after the stressful event and ends six months after stress elimination.

Dissociative disorders

Dissociative disorder disrupts your memory, consciousness, and general identity of yourself and your environment. These disorders are caused by severe stress associated with traumatic situations, accidents, or disasters you might have witnessed. Depersonalization disorder is an example of a dissociative problem.

Tic disorders

You will make sounds, or display body movements that are sudden, rapid, uncontrollable, and do not have a purpose if you have tic disorders. Involuntary sounds are known as vocal tics. These sounds and body movements are often repeated.

You can relieve mental illness by keeping active, talking to a friend about your feelings, taking a break from stressful situations, and asking for help from a reliable person or mental health professional. Call Harbor Community Health Centers to schedule an appointment for mental disorder treatment.