
Is It Worth to Repair the Freezer of Refrigerator?

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Is It Worth to Repair the Freezer of Refrigerator? Coming to the page obviously made you checked all the simple issues of your fridge freezer. If the DIY procedures are not enough to solve the issues of your freeze then you might need to weigh up the repair cost and the cost for buying a new one. 

If you have already spent on a freezer repair previously then it is not worth repairing the same at all. You should not pour more money into the faulty machine. It may be more worthy of adding a new freeze to your household appliances, which will provide you peace of mind, as well as saving money.  

Before calling out repair service, you should consider the below factors to finalize whether it is worth to repair the freezer of the refrigerator. 

  • The lifespan of the freezer
  • Type of your refrigerator
  • Energy efficiency
  • Cost for the repairing 
  • The extent of freezer damage

Before discussing the above factors, let’s know what are the common issues turn you up for refrigerator repair.  

A faulty freezer can end up with major problems for your kitchen; wrap up the supply of ice and most importantly your storage capability with the ability for freshening your food. You are likely to think about repair or replacement if you witness the below issues

  • Freezer not running smoothly 
  • Ice accumulation inside the freezer
  • Making unusual sound
  • Interior light not working

The lifespan of the freezer

Lifespan is one of the most important factors of any home appliances due to the emergence of technology every day. A freezer of a refrigerator over ten years old can cost you a fortune during repairing. You do not even find the spare parts and it cannot friendly with current environmental policies. 

Cost of refrigerator repair

The cost of repair will be high if the company is not much popular and out of the business for a while. The repairing and labor costs will outweigh the cost of buying a new refrigerator as well. 

Energy Efficiency

The refrigerators with the latest technologies have got more efficiency but if your freezer is quite old or outdated then it may surge your electricity bill. On the other hand, defrosting also a huge problem in older ones. Hence repairing the same can be a costly affair. 

Type of Refrigerator

Apart from all the above factors, you should also watch out for the type of refrigerator. If you have a side-by-side refrigerator then you should repair it within five years of purchase.

Top-freezer and bottom-freezer Refrigerators

If there is a bottom-freezer refrigerator in your home then you have the time limit for repairing is seven years, after that repairing will cost you a fortune. On the other hand, a top-freezer refrigerator should be repaired within three years of purchasing. 

Built-in refrigerator

If you have a built-in refrigerator then you are the luckiest one. You can repair it anytime as it has the highest lifespan. Moreover, they are less expensive for repair. 

Level of the damage of your refrigerator

Before opting for repairing you should go an in-depth checking of the level of damage of your refrigerator. You can also consult with an expert about the damages before finalizing the repairing procedure. 

On the other hand, if you have several faults in your freezer then it is not worth repairing. The crucial point is you should always remember if the repairing cost is half the price of a new refrigerator then you should go for the replacement not repairing. 


You should also check the warranty of your freezer before refrigerator repair. Having a warranty or any kind of extended service you can repair it for free. 

Everybody might think that as it has been a huge investment in buying a refrigerator, hence it is quite a worth to spend some more on its repairing. But it is not the ultimate way to throw your money every time. If you have already spent money on buying as well as repairing then do not think of recovery at all.

It can be a high cost for repairing your faulty freezer, instead of that, you can opt for a new one which can be efficient, save your electricity bill and environmental-friendly. 

Any fridge freezer that is more than ten years old is not worth repairing hence you should buy a new one for sure.

Bottom Line

When it is about taking the right decision on refrigerator repair or replacement you have to consider the above factors effectively. You have to watch out for the age of your refrigerator, the extent of damage, repairing cost and issues with the freezer. After a thoughtful analysis, only you have to take the final decision. 

Opting for a new freezer is not a bad idea you are likely to save thousands with this but after analyzing the cost of the refrigerator only you should dip into buying and save your money as well as spoiled foods.