
Good Sleep As a Prerequisite for Your Efficiency

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Everyone knows that we spend about a third of our lives sleeping. Many scientists in various fields (from neurologists and psychologists to sociologists) are studying sleep and its effect on the human body. Why are we sleeping? How does sleep affect productivity? What happens to a sleep-deprived person? These and other questions become the subject of numerous studies. Their results can be used in everyday life to improve sleep quality and increase your effectiveness in studies and work.

Checklist for Quality Sleep

You might have already noticed that after a sleepless night, you cannot do anything. Reading is impossible, preparing for tests is unbearable. Of course, students can resort to the assistance of professional Essaysmatch service, which will solve troubles with notes and final results. However, it is not a solution to problems with sleeping. So, here are the recommendations that will come in handy.

1.   Stop Sacrificing Sleep

It is the key point on which your effectiveness depends. An adult needs about eight hours of sleep a day. Sleep deficiency leads to impaired concentration, decreased reaction speed, and nutritional problems (overeating or decreased appetite). It is vital to understand that sleep deficit has a cumulative effect but remains invisible to the person. Therefore, if, for example, you do not get enough sleep during the entire working week, then by Friday, productivity will significantly decrease. If you want to succeed in your studies, spending all night long before the deadline is not the best solution.

2.   Create a Regular Sleep Pattern

Circadian rhythms in the human body are responsible for the change in state from vigor to drowsiness during the day. It is our biological clock that changes the state of the body with the help of a cycle of hormonal changes during the day. To adapt your biological clock to your routine, you need to set a particular time to go to bed and get up in the morning.

For example, go to bed at 10 p.m. and get up at 6 a.m. every day. The chosen sleep schedule must be respected even on weekends. And when the habit is developed, it will be much easier to fall asleep and wake up. Consequently, the quality of rest during sleep will increase, and you will be more energetic during the day.

3.   Provide Comfortable Conditions for Sleeping

People cannot fall asleep for a long time if something interferes. It can be an uncomfortable pillow, a prickly blanket, noise, or the light. Therefore, you need to take care of your comfort while sleeping:

  • Find the right pillow to support your head and neck.
  • Air the room before bed.
  • If outside noise bothers you, arrange some quiet for yourself or buy earplugs.
  • Hang blackout curtains or wear a sleep mask.

4.   Find Your Motivation to Follow the Schedule

When you decide to change your sleep pattern, then simply force yourself to comply with it, and motivation with the word “must” is a surefire way to constant breakdowns. So, look for your inducement to get up in the morning without a snooze button on your alarm clock. Here are some questions to help you with this:

  • With what do you want to fill the morning of a new day?
  • How should you start your perfect day?
  • What is the atmosphere and mood of a perfect morning?
  • What rituals can help make your morning enjoyable and fascinating?

Final Say

You need at least three weeks to develop a new habit. However, having quality sleep at night is the best thing you can do for yourself. So, the earlier you get started — the faster you will feel how your mood, health, and overall well-being change.