
When Should You See Your Specialist For The First Prenatal Consultation?

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So, you or your spouse took a home pregnancy exam, and it came back positive. For many, this is an exciting opportunity as they prepare to embark on the journey of parenthood. Others may feel unsure or nervous as a result. That is fine, too! But nearly everyone’s next question is, “When should I see a doctor about my pregnancy?” In addition to all of the exciting things that come with being pregnant, like deciding on a name and the ideal paint color for the baby’s nursery, make sure you have a prenatal appointment schedule. Routine visits to your San Antonio OBGYN specialist can go a long way in ensuring all is in order. They can also aid in the early detection of any health issues when problems are easier to treat.

Overview of your first prenatal consultation

Your initial prenatal meeting may be one of the longest and most thorough you’ll have during your pregnancy. There will be assessments and information gathering, but time will also be spent on questions and answers. There will also be more than enough advice given, ranging from what to eat (or not to eat) to what prenatal vitamins to take and how much to exercise.

When is your first prenatal appointment?

The first prenatal appointment is typically scheduled for the second month, between weeks 6 and 8 of pregnancy. Call right away if you suspect you’re pregnant and have taken a pregnancy test. Some practitioners will be able to see you right away, while others may require you to wait several weeks (or longer). Certain OB/GYN offices also provide a “pre-OB” visit to confirm a pregnancy as soon as you suspect you’re pregnant. Regardless of when your first meeting is, start acting pregnant as soon as you get the positive result at home (taking a prenatal vitamin, following a healthy diet, and skipping particular off-limits foods like deli meat and raw fish). You may be familiar with the fundamentals, but don’t be afraid to contact your practitioner’s office if you need to review.

Common early pregnancy indications

During the first few weeks and months of pregnancy, many women undergo one or more of the symptoms listed:

1.      Missed period

You’ve probably seen this one in a movie or television show. The main character informs her best friend, a family member, or possibly her romantic partner that her period has arrived late. The missed period is a classic pop-culture indicator that a woman is pregnant. And if your cycle is regular, it’s usually a sign that you should call your doctor or perform a home pregnancy test.

2.      Nausea 

Another prevalent first-trimester pregnancy symptom is “morning sickness,” characterized by mild to severe nausea, often accompanied by vomiting that many women experience during the first month of pregnancy. Some women never have morning sickness; others have it in the first few weeks or months of pregnancy. However, a small percentage have it throughout their pregnancies.

3.      Breasts are sore, swollen, and sensitive

When you’re first pregnant, your breasts are likely to be tender and sore. However, as your body adjusts to the hormonal shifts caused by pregnancy, this usually subsides for most women.

4.      Fatigue

As progesterone levels rise during the first trimester of pregnancy, you may feel sleepier or more tired than usual.

Prenatal care promotes a healthy pregnancy and improves outcomes for your health and your child’s wellness. If you’re considering getting pregnant, assume you’re pregnant, or realize you’re pregnant, call LUNA MED SPA & WASHINGTON OB-GYN, P.A. or book a meeting today.