After having a busy day, it is always crucial that you have a rest for your body. One way through which you can rest your body is through sleeping. You need to sleep for six to seven hours for ample relaxation of different organs in the body. Besides, while you are relaxed, the biological processes, such as new cell formation, are at their best. Some individuals, however, experience difficulties while sleeping due to disorders such as snoring, which hamper sleep quality. Surprisingly, Yash Mehndiratta MD, DABSM, has an effective remedy for those individuals having sleeping disorders. Here are myths that you need to understand about sleeping disorders.
The sleeping disorders do not relate to the health condition
Some individuals claim that health complications such as high blood pressure and obesity cannot hamper sleep quality. However, the reality is that there is a correlation between these health conditions and sleeping capacities. When you sleep for fewer hours, you are more likely to develop obesity which can also trigger snoring, which usually hinders the comfort of your relaxation while sleeping.
Older people need less sleep
You might have heard some people say that adults only need up to five hours of sleep in one night. Sleeping for a few hours may be alright at first, but with time you will start noticing the strains of lack of sleep. Adults pursuing their careers may experience low concentration in their studies following insufficient periods of sleep. Therefore, plenty of sleep is crucial to everyone, regardless of age
Stay in bed when you cannot sleep
Many believe you should never get up when you fail to grasp any sleep. However, the sleep experts recommend that whenever you learn that sleep is not forthcoming, you should wake up and listen to relaxing music or read a book. Forcing sleep when you do not feel tired can keep you awake all night long and eventually trigger stress due to many thoughts. You should avoid turning on the bright lights since they can hinder melatonin responsible for stimulating relaxation.
Difficulty in falling asleep is the only symptom of insomnia
Individuals with insomnia usually wake up throughout the night and often experience difficulty falling asleep again. Nevertheless, this condition is not limited to that symptom. Persons with insomnia often observe other symptoms such as tiredness, irritability, and poor concentration. Therefore, when you observe such symptoms, you should contact your health provider for a diagnosis of insomnia.
Your brain remains inactive upon sleeping
When you are sound asleep, you cannot tell what is happening around you. Therefore, you may think that your brain is resting, which is not true. Your brain is active even when you are asleep since it can monitor the biological processes in the body, such as breathing. The brain will, however, alternate according to the non rapid eye movement and rapid eye movement states.
Are you suffering from sleeping disorders? Million people have been experiencing sleeping difficulties due to disorders such as insomnia. These conditions usually hinder the comfort of relaxation, thus making the victims suffer from tiredness the next day. If you are one of them, you should not worry since Sleep Services of Maryland LLC has what it takes for your condition. Yash Mehndiratta, MD, DABSM, and a specialist team use their vast experience to offer diverse treatments for sleeping disorders. Book an appointment and visit their office to receive quality service.